Thursday 2 March 2017

Evolution of Cable News Network (CNN) in the United States

Evolution of Cable News Network (CNN) in the United States
  1. Introduction
Cable television programs became available in the United States from as early as the 1948; during this period, access to the programs was based on subscription services. By the year 2006, approximately 60% of the American populace was already subscribed to Cable news programs or cable television programs. Research has indicated that majority of people who subscribe for cable television programs in the United States are basically from middle-income families and tend to reside in the suburbs. 

Moreover, subscription of cable television programs is less common among low-income families, especially those residing in the rural areas. There are various cable television programs offered by various companies in the United States. These companies are driven by various missions and goals as they provide news to their targeted audience. This paper will focus on evolution of the Cable News Network (CNN), basically identifying its original missions and goals and how these have changes overtime. It will also explore its original branding content, targeted audiences as well as programming and how these aspects of have changed overtime.
  1. Original Mission and Goals of Cable News Network and Changes that have Occurred Overtime
The original mission of Cable News Network or CNN during its inception in 1980 was to ensure to act upon other’s convictions while they wait in order to create positive globally where cynics are related. According to Ted Turner, the founder of Cable News Network, CNN was born to bring the world together. However, during this period most of CNN programs were only available in the United States considering the fact that other regions did not have cable services. However, later, the mission changed to: Creating the finest possible news services and to provide hard-breaking, international and national news as it occurs. Cable News Network delivers unparalleled perspectives in various categories including medical, political, and financial, entertainment, financial et cetera. The changes in the company’s mission occurred as a result of the fact that Cable News Network expanded its programs to cover international political, financial, and technological, medical and entertainment news. This compelled the Company’s directors under the leadership of Ted Turner to come up with a more comprehensive mission statement that would reflect all the services and programs offered by CNN.
  1. Original Target Groups or Audiences
With the inception of Cable News Network Ted Turner, who was referred as the brain-child to this cable news television network had a vision to provide various perspectives of news programs to different audiences located in various parts of the world. However, in the early and late 1980’s, major audiences were only available in the United States, with approximately 2 million viewers or audiences. During this period, one of the strategies that most cable television networks aired their programs at specific periods or times. Additionally, most programs were fixed, meaning that those who missed the programs at certain periods of time could not get updates regarding what happened at a later date. However, Robert ‘Ted’ Turner changed this dimension of operation by introducing his new branding strategy; the strategy involved buying the Atlanta Hawks and Atlanta Braves baseball teams, whose games were aired, live on CNN ( This facilitated success of the company in the first years of its inception, by attracting a large number of baseball supporters in various parts of the United States. Some of the original programs that were aired in the United States during the early and the late 1980’s as a strategy to attract local audience included: Moneyline; this was a financial program that was basically hosted by Lou Dobbs for a period of twenty years. Evans & Novak is another program that was aired live on CNN in the early 1980’s; it presented a discussion of local political news hosted by Robert Novak and Rowland Evans. Research indicates that this was the most watched television program in the United States considering the fact that it focused on local political issues.
Cable News Network also introduced the Crossfire in 1982, which also focused on late night political discussion. This program was hosted by a Conservative, Pat Buchanan and Liberalist Tom Braden. This program was meant to attract political enthusiasts across various divides i.e. liberalists and conservatives in the United States. In order to increase the number of its audience, Cable News Network introduced Larry King Live in the year 1985; this program was meant to attract audiences in political and business issues. The introduction of programs that present political and business issues in the early and late 1980’s was deemed appropriate considering the fact that this was the period when the United States and other parts of the world experienced myriad political and economic issues. In this regard, Cable News Network through its management was of the view that introduction of such program would attract a wide-base of audience.
  1. Changes in regard to Target Audience and Programs
In the beginning of the 1990’s, Cable News Network began airing its programs to other parts of the world including Africa. The company under the leadership of Tom Johnson focused on airing international conflicts which were the major international political issues during this period. This began with the live coverage of the 1991 Gulf War; despite the existence of other major cable television programs, CNN was the only cable television program that had the capacity to air events of the war live from Iraq. This strategy was meant not only to attract audience in the United States, but also in other parts of the world considering the fact that the Iraqi war had significant negative impacts on the global economy. Other international conflicts that have were aired by CNN as a strategy to attract wide base of audience is the Mogadishu war that occurred in Somalia. Cable News Network identifies that terrorist attacks have become common challenges in the contemporary society. In this aspect, the company has introduced segments where events associated with occurrence of terrorist attacks are covered live on their programs. Terrorism is a major concern to many people, not only in the United States but also in other parts of the world. This strategy has improved the popularity of CNN in the recent times, with majority of people tuning in to access news concerning international terrorist attacks as well as political news. Some of the major terrorist issues covered by CNN include; the September 11 terrorist attacks and the World Trade Center Plane Crash among others.
Other programs that have been recently introduced to attract more audience include local and international election issues. Cable News Network currently focuses on airing live election events in the United States for instance: The 2008 US presidential election, which involved live coverage of the election process and hosting various dimensions of interviews with different political candidates. Moreover, CNN invested a significant amount of resources towards the 2012 United States Presidential election that involves live coverage of campaigns, debates et cetera. On the other hand, it currently provides news regarding elections in other nations i.e. in Africa, the Middle East, Asia as well as Europe. The introduction of international election news coverage has been a successful strategy implemented to attract an international audience by CNN.
Through the Turner Broadcasting Network, an affiliate television program, CNN currently provides entertainment programs for example animated movies, family programs and advertisement program. Introduction of modern entertainment program such as presentation of animated movies has enabled the company to enhance its competitive advantage considering the fact that technological advancements have changed the dimensions of entertainment industry, with many viewers preferring animated movies. Additionally, the advertisement industry has also expanded and is considered one of the most paying television program segments. Most television companies accrue significant financial benefits from advertising programs. The CNN through its affiliate company, the Turner Broadcasting Network provides advertising, a move that has enhanced its popularity in the recent times.
  1. Conclusion
Cable News Network is one of the major cable television programs in the United States; however, most of its programs are also currently available in other parts of the world where it has also attracted a wide base of clients. The company has experienced tremendous changes mainly as a result of introducing operational strategies meant to enhance its competitive advantage and attract a wide base of clients. From presentation of programs that are locally appreciate to coverage of international socio-economic and political issues; the company has experienced a high level of success. Despite the massive success that has been experienced by CNN, it has also been a center of negative criticism from various political and economic stakeholders.

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