Thursday 9 March 2017

Hydraulic fracking

                                                   Hydraulic fracking

            Hydraulic fracturing has gained popularity as one of the best technologies for drilling and extracting natural gas. Natural gas presents a better alternative source of energy to the currently existing energy sources in the U.S. Hydraulic fracturing has been employed by a number of countries in the extraction of natural gas despite the environmental and health risk concerns surrounding the technology. In addition to the economical advantages, hydraulic fracturing is an innovative drilling technology that ensures the availability of natural gas.
            Similar to any other technology, hydraulic fracking has it benefits and pitfalls in equal measure. Compared to alternative drilling technologies employed in the extraction of natural gas, hydraulic fracking stands out to be the best. The economical aspects associated with this technology are far beyond the risks associated with its embrace as a method of extracting natural gas. Hydraulic fracturing ensures an increase availability of natural gas which in turn translates to an additional energy source to the national energy supply. As such, the society gains economically through job creation, lease settlements and energy cost savings through reduced prices. Through this drilling technology, countries like the U.S has witnessed a boom in heir natural gas supply thus economic benefits as well.
            A number of concerns have been raised pertaining to the use of this technology in the extraction of natural gas. Critics argue that the use of hydraulic fracturing presents both health risks and environmental impacts. The fluids used in the extraction process contain toxic chemicals that find their way in to ground water supply. This affects both the availability and quality of ground water. The toxic chemicals released in the ground water poses a threat to the ecosystem as well as health risk to the population around the drilling plants .In conclusion, the economic benefits associated with this technology far outweigh its pitfalls in terms of environmental impacts and health risks. A number of policies and strategies have been developed to mitigate the health risks and environmental impacts.

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