Thursday 9 March 2017

Effect of music on kids

                                                Effect of music on kids
The centrality of music on the development of kids has been the subject of contemporary psychological debates. Scholars have advanced various thoughts on the effect of music on kids. Many Scholars support the use of certain aspects of Music to facilitate learning among children. However, certain scholars have argued that the use of music to enhance learning is a far-fetched idea that could jeopardize the quality of learning among kids. This paper explores the subject of music and its effect on kids. The paper relies on secondary literature throughout its development. The study reveals that classical music and Mozart enhances the cognitive development of kids. Mozart effect makes children to be smarter than their colleagues with limited exposure to music and has been recommended in various learning institutions. The study concludes that parents should expose their kids to classical music to improve their intelligent quotient as well as learning in the formal and informal sector.
In 2014, the Institute of Education reported that music improves listening and concentration skills of children. The study revealed that Mozart and Beethoven enhance self-discipline among children in London primary schools. Teachers in these schools reported that music improves English skills of children. Psychological studies have revealed a closer association between musical aptitude and intelligence quotient. Studies by Sacks  reveal that music improves verbal memory and spatial ability. The research on the effect of music on children has been carried out for the last fifteen years. Although some scholars believe that playing music to infants can improve their IQ skills, other scholars have argued that introduction of kids to complex music such as jazz enable them to develop their senses. This study explores the centrality of music in the development of kids’ intelligence.
              Literature review
The effect of music on kids has been the subject of scholarly debate. Various scholars have carried out experiments to determine the effect of music on kids. Yu et al observed that parents should make sure that their kids listen to oral music to improve their oral sense. In this regard, kids are not allowed to watch visual music since the music is likely to overtake them. Psychological experts believe that visual music has too much to look rather than listen. Having kids listen allow them to develop a sense of imagination. This imagination boosts their creative ability. At the age of five or six when children get to school, they have poor ability to comprehend pictures. Studies that explored Mozart music found out that the music increased learning ability of kids. The first study took place in 1993. 36 kids who listened to Mozart before taking spatial tasks improved their performance.

Psychologists posit that music is better for the brain. They argue that music provides enough exercise that relaxes the muscular brain. Whereas most studies have elucidated the effect music on kids, there is contention that not all music makes kids smarter. Research has linked Mozart music and classical music with enhanced intelligence. Brighter and happy parents who listen to classical music appreciate that classical music would produce smarter babies. Studies by Pietschnig et al. (2010) found out that pregnant mothers that listen to classical music are often relaxed. This relaxation leads to the delivery of happy and healthy babies. The early development of a child is significant because it has irreversible effects on the child’s life. In this regard, playing music to a kid enhances the quality of their brains. Less emotional music helps in modulating moods and reducing stress among pregnant women. A study on the University of California students found out that students who listened to music scored higher on SAT as well as proficiency tests. The research revealed a significant variation in performance between students that listened to music and students that did not listen to music. 

Studies by Glenn Schellenberg revealed an improvement in the intelligence quotient of students who had been trained in piano for nine months. This study was carried out in 2004 at the University of Toronto. It showed that students that play piano can understand mathematical problems more easily than students that do not play piano. The study showed that piano students registered an improvement of 34% higher on tests such as fractions, proportions and time. Related studies revealed an improvement in pattern recognition and mental tests among students that had been given piano instructions. 

Before the age of seven, musical training of a kid enhances the kid’s white matter . This enhancement improves the kid’s sensorimotor synchronization tasks. In this regard, music lessons boosts the ability of kids to recall, analyse and interpret information. The intelligence acquired during the early stages of development extends throughout the life of a kid. Continuous musical activity provides cognitive exercise to the brain and makes it fitter to tolerate advanced age. It creates alternate connections that that deals with declining cognitive sense. 

Musical lessons are paramount to kids because they benefit the kids’ brain later in their lives. This claim implies that kids do not have to take musical lessons throughout their stage of development. The benefits of music in the early stages of development can help them in the later stages of life. For example, older adults with childhood musical experience have faster brain responses to speech compared to older adults with not childhood experience in music. In this regard, adults with prior musical experience are likely to memorize events compared to their counterparts without musical experience. Music enables kids to remain alert and interested in learning. This quality enable kids to see the whole picture of what they are taught while remaining calm and playful. Bright kids are likely to be self-disciplined and focused in classroom activities. Music also enhances pro social behavior among kids. 

Exposure to music improves language acquisition skills, motor skills and memory. Music results in the development of multiple neural connections. Children that play music enhances their proportional thinking since they exercise their brain. Music also instills ability disassembled parts and put them back together. Musical instruments allow kids to interpret notes and symbols. Through such interpretation, kids can visualize objects in time and space. Music develops the executive functions of the brain. The brain’s frontal lobe coordinates these functions. Through this, kids can manage both time and affection. They can also control their behavior and organize their thoughts. The skills acquired in music are important both at school and in life. Kids need to adopt acceptable behavior to enable them relate and interact with people. Music encourages positive behavior among kids. This behavior comes with a set of values allow kids to coexist with people. For example, since music promotes self-discipline, kids require this attribute to relate to their teachers and parents. Teachers and parents love kids of good behavior. 

Findings from Harmony Project in Los Angeles revealed that students who spent sometime listening to music graduated from high school and proceeded to various universities. These students beat learnt to overcome obstacles and managed to excel in academic programs. The study revealed that they beat the odds compared to their peers that did not take music lessons. The research concluded that music caused the changes in the IQ of the students. The increased ability of students translated into enhanced ability to read and comprehend skills taught in class (Sacks, 2010). In light of these findings, there is need for increased music education for kids. Much of the research supports the claim that music enhances cognitive abilities of kids. Kids leave with these skills throughout their growth and development. This implies that the skills that kids learn at early stages may live with them throughout their life. In this regard, it is imperative that kids acquire musical lessons to improve their cognitive abilities. Doing so will enhance their intelligence and place them on pedestal towards better educational and intellectual fulfillment.
Despite the centrality of music to kids, some researchers argue that no evidence supports the claim that music enhances the cognitive ability of kids. Prof Rauscher of the University of Wisconsin opined that music does not merely improve the cognitive ability of kids and that ‘parents are desperate to give their children every single enhancement’ . Prof Rauscher’s proposition may be subjective given that many scholars agree that music has a positive effect on kids.
This paper explored the effect of music on kids. By relying on various sources of literature, the study reveals that music has a positive impact on the development of kids. In light of the foregoing, it is indubitable that music plays a central role in the cognitive development of kids. In this regard, parents should organize musical lessons for their children to boost their intellectual growth and development. Schools should formalize music as a mandatory instruction. By providing musical lessons to all kids in their early stages, kids can acquire improve on their spatial and critical thinking skills. The research finds out that Mozart and classical musical genres should be played to kids to boost their intelligence. It is incumbent upon educational stakeholders to underscore the significance of music to kids based on the research supporting this claim.

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