Saturday 4 March 2017

Comparison of Iceberg Fable and "Academic Readings"

Comparison of Iceberg Fable and "Academic Readings"
        The simplistic character and setting of fables make them easy to understand. This ensures that whoever is reading the fable does not need to have any technical knowledge about the topic being discussed to understand it. Fables also have enticing conflicts that are usually placed at the beginning of the story. This ensures that it immediately grab a reader's attention.  Fable use is efficient in the passing of a message as people do not like to face their flaws and the use of fables presents their flaws in a more subtle manner.  A major disadvantage of the use of fables is that it does not imply the seriousness of the matter being discussed and therefore whoever is reading the fable may not take the issue with the seriousness it deserves.
         An individual may use a fable when he/she is discussing a matter that is not pertinent to the functioning of the organization. People may also use parables if the topic of the discussion does not require the emphasis of agency or seriousness. Academic readings are more efficient than fables in the passing of official information. This is because academic writing gives information the authenticity it requires to be taken seriously. Fables might also be used for Academic readings if the information needs to be provided in a way that will make it easy for people to understand.  An individual might also decide to use fables over academic research if the information if he/she is giving technical information but he want the information to be understood by people who do not have any technical knowledge of the subject matter.
        Fables are more instructive than academic research because they are designed to pass the information in a more understandable manner than academic studies. When using, individuals do not have to worry about the other party nit understanding what is being discussed therefore fables can be considered to be more instructive.
     Heath & Heath method of storytelling is based on individual tackling a problem through dividing it into individual bits (Heath and Heath). The penguin story, on the other hand, is based on a person identifying a problem and presenting the problem to the entire organization so that they can solve it collectively.  If the penguin story was written by Heath and Heath, the penguin that identified the problem would be the one responsible for solving the problem.
       In the penguin story, ‘no nos’ are those individuals who object when changes need to be made.  In almost all organizations some individuals oppose change because they are comfortable with the way things are dome in that organization and are afraid any change may expose their inefficiency. The issue of the no no penguin in this story is addressed through the introduction of NoNo the penguin. NoNo is portrayed as the weather expert and the one the penguins rely on for technical information. NoNo gives the Penguins a detailed analysis and assessments of the weather and the fact that the Iceland is melting. His report serves to convince the other penguins on the adversity of the situation.
          A risk that might occur to using Kotter’s approach in an organization is that individuals in that group may become completely over dependent on the expert and fail to conduct their research on matters.
       To deal with organizational ‘no nos,' an organization may hold seminars focused on informing the workers about the importance of the change. The organization can also conduct surveys with the aim of finding out why the workers are opposing the change and find a way to restructure the change so that it takes into consideration some of the workers plights.

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