Wednesday 8 March 2017

Shareholders, Employees, or Customers Who Should Come First

Shareholders, Employees, or Customers Who Should Come First

          According to Robert Simons, it is the core values of a company that determines their relative importance of customers, employees or shareholders.  He states that companies with well-defined strategies can better understand the core values and aspirations of the business this knowledge will help the company to identify whose interests come first in the business.
          Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is an American based multinational investment banking company that is involved investment management, investment banking, securities and other financially related service, number one business policy is to ensure that the interests of their clients always come first. Due to this policy of keeping customer interest first, the firm has had to invest a lot of its resources in its business division that advises clients on financing, takeovers and money management.
       The firm also emphasizes that its account managers keep in close contact with the client so that the firm can be able to meet any of the client's needs as they arise. The firm has even set up a twenty-four-hour call center that is responsible for responding to any queries raised by their clients at any time. To ensure that their client has varied investment options the firm has set up online trading platforms so that their clients can invest in any sector and any country around the world .
              Goldman Sachs choice for putting employee firms has enabled the company to position itself as one of the leading financial services companies in the United States. This position has made it a prominent place to work in as more and more are seeking employment from it. This strategy of putting clients first also help with employee retention as its employees get work satisfaction together with huge bonuses every time their clients make positive returns on investment.  Goldman Sachs employees have been rated among the highest paid in the U.S and thus employee retention rate in this company is high.

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