Saturday 4 March 2017

Black Harvest by Bob Connolly

                                     Black Harvest by Bob Connolly
       In the event one has to choose between Ganiga culture and Joe Leahy one might choose Joe Leahy. Joe Leahy is trying to bring development to the locals of Ganiga that is why he comes up with the idea of setting up farming cooperative between himself and the people of Ganiga. Joe also has no influence on the international coffee prices so when coffee prices reduce Joe has no other option but to reduce his cost of production and that includes reducing the wages of the Ganiga citizens who work with him in the coffee fields.  Joe Leahy also does not exploit the locals as it is claimed. He bought the land which the coffee plantation placed from the local Ganiga.  The movie also portrays Ganiga's as a violent community because they not only create tensions with Joe but they also start a war with a neighboring society.   Joe is described in the film as an outcast who is trying to bring development to the people of his mother’s culture (Black Harvest).   Due to the facts stated above it should be logical that individuals should side with Joe when asked to pick a side. This is due to the fact that Joe’s actions have been exemplary all through ought the movie.
       The film teaches individuals about the following aspects of Ganiga culture.
   War like:  The indigenous Ganiga's are portrayed as warlike people in the movie. As the film progresses, hostility develops between the Ganiga and Joe, who is at that time their partner in the coffee business. Wars also emerge between the Ganiga and a neighboring village (Black Harvest). These conflicts indicate the fact that the Ganiga are not a peaceful society, and they would go to war so as to protect their interests.
 Distrust full: The movie also portrays the Ganiga’s as distrustful people. This is because despite the fact that they have a contractual agreement with Joe. And that they have already done some Jobs with Joe. The Ganiga still distrust Joe when he attempts to reduce their wages because of a decrease in value of international coffee prices. The Ganiga see this decline as an attempt by Joe to swindle them (Black Harvest).
 Hostile: The Ganiga are also portrayed as a community that is hostile and un welcoming to strangers.
      Loyal to each other: This character is seen when Joe's personal adviser and translator decides to change his alliance and support his people even though he knows that his people are wrong, His loyalty to his people leads him to lose his life in war because he is haunted by the nightmare of betraying his boss.
        The video tries to tell the story of the effects of western culture and society to virgin indigenous communities. It highlights the dangers faced by the people who travel to this lands to learn more about the culture and lifestyle of the indigenous people and teach the native population in new modern ways of performing tasks that might not be available to the indigenous locals.  The movie is also aimed at highlighting the effects of western economic activities on people. It indicates how a fall in the international coffee prices goes a long way in influencing the economic activities of the island. The movie also shows how it is hard for foreigners to gain the trust of the local indigenous community.

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