Wednesday 8 March 2017

Youth Development

                                                             Youth Development
      The Office of Immigration Statistics (OIS) which operates under the Department of Homeland  Security (DHS) released a report that documented the number of immigrants who migrated to America within the past year. In their report, they cited that the United States of America admits over a quarter million migrants every year.Half of this quarter million is made up of youths and young adults who are either fleeing war in their countries or moving to Amerca to seek more gainfull employment opportunities.
            The most significant challenge that youth immigrants face in securing employment is the language barrier. Most employers are not keen on hiring people whom they cannot communicate with thus the youths have to invest their time in learning the language. Statistics from the American Immigration Council (AIM) indicates that over seventy percent of immigrants who flock to America come from countries that don't speak English. The research also goes forward to suggest that over forty percent of this immigrants come from either Latin America or Arab speaking countries. Youth immigrants are not only barred from getting jobs due to language barriers but also the culture shock they experience. Most of this youth come from reserved cultures, and it takes them some time to adapt to the liberal American culture.
             Another challenge immigrant youths face is stress due to exclusion. There exists a growing number of anti-immigration initiatives, which have been designed to prevent immigrants from receiving public services or job benefits.  These practices have lead to a pattern of segregation and intense exclusion in the workplace, housing, and schools. The result of this discrimination is an increase in the number of American employers who are unwilling to employ immigrants. Thus, the immigrants end up with bilingual education services that are insufficient and limited access to meaningful employment.
       Youth immigrants also face transportation challenges in looking for a job. Immigration laws have made it difficult for either a documented or a non-documented immigrant to obtain a drivers license in America.  Immigrants need to be literate and able to speak English to sit for the drivers exam. Research conducted by AIM show that a large number of immigrants do not feel safe when using public transportation companies. This transpositional barrier makes it difficult for immigrants to move from place to place searching for a job thus limiting their employment opportunities.
        Education is also a significant challenge for immigrant workers. According to AIM, the educational standards of a majority of countries that these immigrants originate from does not meet the standards set by American educational institutions. Because of this one can find an immigrant who has a nursing degree from his motherland not being able to get work in America because his degree is not recognized by the American Nursing Association (ANA). This renders it difficult for the immigrants to get gainful employment and one can find many qualified doctors from Iraq working as curb drivers in New York.
        Young immigrants are also victims of exploitation in their workplace. Research has proven that most young immigrants are working for long hours and for salaries that are below the set minimum wage. Due to this, the young immigrants are not able to better their lives because they barely earn enough to support themselves. This practice inhibits them from being able to further their education and seek better employment opportunities in other places.

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