Saturday 4 March 2017

The Rights of African-American Women

The Rights of African-American Women 
Journal Entry for the Legislation Protecting the Rights of African-American Women
Success and Challenges in Attempts to Passing a Gender Equality Bill
One of the success that I have experienced while making attempts as a congressman to pass a gender equality bill is that there is abundant sources of information that I can access and in order to provide data regarding incidences of gender inequalities in the country. These sources have acted as a foundation to my presentation in the congress and other like-minded people. Through social media channels such as the Huff Post Live, I have learn how women are sexually harassed or abused by use of sexually intimidating languages, especially those that use modern apps like Tinder et cetera.
On the other hand, a significant number of stakeholders, in government; in non-governmental organizations and local communities are of the view that gender inequality is a major social problem not only in the United States, but also across the globe. In this regard, they are of the view that it requires a careful approach in order to facilitate its solution.
However, some of my colleagues are of the contrary opinion; they are of the view that the current society has a high level of awareness concerning gender equality and its importance in the society, hence strive to treat each gender in a respectful and equal manner. They also believe that there are various laws in the United States such as, the 19th Amendment, Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Civil Rights Acts among others that are adequately addressing gender inequality issues. In this regard, they feel that the house of congress should not spend more resources to discuss an issue that has already been addressed: This has been a major challenge towards satisfying my quest.

 Position in Regard to the Bill
My bill seeks to enhance equality between men and women in various facets of socio-economic factors. Over the last two decades, there are various efforts and initiatives that have been implemented by stakeholders across the globe to enhance gender equality. However, through personal observation and research, I have learnt that the current American woman is still faced with several incidences of inequality hindering her personal development as well as their contribution to national socio-economic development. Research has indicated that almost in every States in the USA millennial women have a higher chance of acquiring a college degree compared to the millennial man, although the millennial woman are faced with higher rates of poverty compared to the millennial man. Other research has indicated that by the time a college-educated American woman attains age 59, she would have lost approximately $1million due to wage gap between men and women. Taking these incidences into consideration, my bill seeks to ensure that the government and other concerned stakeholders take the appropriate measures to ensure that such incidences of gender inequality are properly addressed.
 Challenges and Types of Opposition Faced
As aforementioned, the major challenge that I have experienced in fulfilling my quest is existence of conflicting opinions or views. Some of my colleagues at the congress are of the view that gender equality issues have been addressed adequately and appropriate by existing laws and advocacy policies that have been implemented. This has reduced my support in the congress. However, other stakeholders are of the view that gender equality is still a major concern and requires government attention.
          Political and Social Climate Surrounding the Legislation
Gender inequality continues to be a major issue of debate among political stakeholders in the United States. Recognizing that gender inequality deteriorates socio-economic development, the government of the United States has implemented various policies, rules and regulations to protect the rights of women and men on an equal basis. Some of the legislations that have been implemented include: The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1964, which basically amends Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Pennsylvania Fair Educational Opportunities Act; Equal Pay Act of 1963 et cetera. The existence of these acts and other modern policies is an indication of how political leaders are committed toward solving challenges emerging as a result of gender inequality.
On the other hand, there are social issues that surround gender equality in the United States. Research by various stakeholders have indicated that despite the fact that the government of the United States has implemented a number of policies to encourage gender equality, there are certain incidences indicating occurrence of gender inequality. This has triggered debates among concerned stakeholders through social media channels like the Huff Post Live among others.

Rough Draft of the Power Point Presentation
Slide 1: Introduction, basically focusing on the overall information regarding gender equality in the world and how this issue is perceived in the United States.
Slide 2: History of African-American Women’s Rights; this slide will focus on a discussion regarding history of African-American women’s right, indicating how it emerged and provision of pioneer legislations that were implemented to encourage equality between women and men.
Slide 3: Opposing Sides or Opinions in relation to the issue of African-American Women’s rights. This slide will provide a summarized, yet detailed discussion on various opposing views on the African-American Women’s Rights. That is, a discussion of the stakeholders who have indicated opposition of providing equal rights to African-American women and the United States women as a whole.
Slide 4: Impacts of Legislative Efforts; in this slide, I shall focus on a discussion of legislative efforts that have been taken by the United States government and other stakeholders to encourage gender equality and how these legislations have impacted the rights of African-American women.  
Slide 5: Impacts of Gender Equality Rights in shaping opinions of the general public; this slide will describe how implementation of gender equality legislations has shaped public opinions in the United States and across the globe. That is, what the public thinks or perceives concerning the implementation of such legislative measures to guide protection of the Rights of African women.
Slide 6: This slide will involve provision of a summary of the major points covered during the presentation and a conclusion giving my personal perspectives regarding the major topic of discussion and what I have learnt in relation to the rights of African-American women and other women in the United States as a whole.

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