Saturday 4 March 2017

Taking Charge of Medical Records

Taking Charge of Medical Records

Summary of the Article, How to Take Charge of Medical Records
The major issue covered in the article is how patients should take charge of their medical records or how they should participate actively on managing their own medical records. The article highlights and describes some of the challenges that have been experienced in the United States as a result of poor medical records management. It also discusses the benefits that patients would achieve in case they took control or charge of their own medical records. Another imperative issue covered in this article is the procedure that ought to be followed by patients when they decide to take charge of their own medical records for instance: Patients should begin by demanding the medical records from their doctors or other healthcare service providers.
   Benefits and Drawbacks of Electronic Health Records EHR
According to Melinda Beck, one of the benefits of electronic health record is that it enables patients and other concerned stakeholders to have their health records handy. This facilitates the process of sharing the health records so that identified challenges can be solved amicably. Introduction of apps to manage electronic health records has also been associated with facilitating appropriate resolution of emergency medical situations for instance: Introduction of the ICEBlue Button app to enhance the performance of electronic health records enables practitioners to track the health status of their patients, hence facilitating the process of solving emergency medical situations. However, Beck asserts that the use of electronic health records is also associated with a major challenge that involves jeopardy of the security of medical information. She cites the use of fitness trackers which are currently preferred by a significant number of people that are not covered by HIPPA rules, meaning that data contained within these gadgets can be easily accessed and used in a wrong manner. The storage of electronic health records is also a major challenge; keeping medical records in electronic gadgets such as mobile phones or inform of apps makes the information vulnerable to malware attacks.
Empowering Patients by Having Electronic Health Records
Melinda Becks 2015 points out that having or possessing electronic health records among patients enables them to share the data with other relevant stakeholders. She asserts that the possession of health records in electronic forms i.e. in form of applications facilitate the process of solving emergency situation as it enables patients to share their medical conditions with their healthcare givers in an efficient manner. Additionally, having electronic healthcare records by patients provides them with an opportunity to have knowledge regarding various medical issues, hence enhancing their efforts in decision-making processes.

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