Saturday 4 March 2017

Retrofitting Over Building New Infrastructure

Retrofitting Over Building New Infrastructure

The most evident question that arises on one’s mind when the issue of retrofitting is mentioned is: Is retrofitting more appropriate than constructing a new building or infrastructure? It is apparent through technological research that buildings and infrastructures do not have to be in new conditions in order to be considered appropriate for retrofitting. Currently buildings and infrastructural owners have indicated a high level of preference towards retrofitting their buildings. This has been facilitated by the need to modify existing buildings into desirable forms or designs that meet certain conditions for example: Converting an existing building into a model that facilitates sustainability. “The current high economic challenges experienced by business stakeholders have created a need to device strategies that could lower business operations costs” . This is one of the reasons why many companies currently prefer retrofitting as a form of improving the quality of infrastructure compared to building of new house. Retrofitting is more appropriate than constructing new buildings especially when one has a desire to achieve certain specific goals. One of the most common causes of retrofitting is to promote sustainability for instance Encouraging saving of resources such as energy, water and proper waste management. So what exactly is the meaning of retrofitting? A significant number of technologists and engineers describe retrofitting as the process of modifying a building or an infrastructure after it has been completely constructed. In the case of buildings and infrastructure; retrofitting basically entail making certain changes in the various systems within or outside the buildings. Retrofitting may also be performed on buildings that have just been completed and occupied i.e. new buildings. Typically, the basis of retrofitting is to meet certain expectations in accordance to stakeholders or owners of a building. However, the most common cause of retrofitting in the current society it to enhance sustainability through energy conservation. Certain infrastructural owners also perform retrofitting of new buildings or existing old buildings in order to facilitate sustainable use of water resources. A significant number of environmentalists are of the view that retrofitting of current infrastructures or buildings is crucial for environmental conversation purposes as well as for adaptation to the current global environmental challenges.       
         Retrofitting is based on a Benchmark of Six Steps, hence facilitating Sustainability

Considering the fact that retrofitting of new or existing buildings has potential significant impacts on human well-beings and the environment. There are six major steps that have been recommended to buildings owners or construction companies to ensure that retrofitting process is conducted in a safe manner. The first step that contractors or construction companies should take into consideration is performing a baseline assessment. This is a crucial step as it enables stakeholders to determine and identify the reasons why one should engage in retrofitting of a new building or an old building. It also creates a platform for the stakeholders to determine their expectation resulting from the retrofitting process for example: The amount of energy one would like to conserve. Consequently, performing the baseline assessment is a key step towards identification of resources that may be needed and their overall impacts on the building or the infrastructure.  The second step that is recommended to stakeholders during the retrofitting process is formulation of ‘Retrofit Action Plan’: The plan is of paramount importance due to the fact that it enables construction stakeholders and building owners to determine strategies that they can apply to retrofit or modify their buildings or infrastructure. The plan also involves laying down the amount of time needed to perform various tasks ascribed to the retrofit process. Moreover, the ‘Retrofit Action Plan’ is critical to the entire process as it enables stakeholders to formulate strategies that can be applied to seek funds and other resources pertinent for the retrofit project. Third step of retrofitting involvements implementation of action plans, followed by performing annual updates, which basically entails tracking or monitoring the retrofitting plants. These two steps are followed by completion of the project and final assessment respectively. Following the above mentioned steps when planning to perform retrofitting of a building that have been recommended by various experts, has been associated with development of higher sustainable buildings compared to building a new house. In most cases, construction stakeholders or contractor tend to engage in construction processes that are not recommended when building a new house. This may lead to development of less sustainable buildings compared to those that follow the strict benchmarks set to guide retrofitting process. 

          Lower Operational Costs
It is a fact that retrofitting of existing buildings or infrastructures lowers operational costs of businesses and other dimensions of entrepreneurship activities. This is the most obvious benefits of retrofitting a building instead of engaging in an entire process of developing a building from scratch. The most common reasons why organizational managers and other concerned business stakeholders engage prefer retrofitting of their existing buildings rather than engaging in construction of new ones is to facilitate conservation of resources. The current global environment and highly competitive business environment has compelled business stakeholders to develop strategies that could lower their operational costs, thus leading to generation of higher income. One of the strategies is to performing retrofitting of their buildings in order to facilitate conservation of energy resources, water or even facilitate communication. It is important to acknowledge that even construction of a new building may provide an opportunity for business managers to lower operational costs. However, the overall operational costs will still be higher compared to retrofitting, which may only involve performing modification on specific parts of a building. 

Facilitates Lowering Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Environmental Footprint
Retrofitting of existing buildings creates a perfect opportunity for stakeholders to develop buildings that enhance the use of lower amount of resources for instance: Modifying buildings so that they allow more sunlight during daytime. This is an appropriate strategy towards the reduction of greenhouse gases that may be emitted when a new building is constructed from scratch. Construction of a new building may involve the use of heavier machinery compared to retrofitting. “There is no doubt that construction of a new building may compel stakeholders to extract certain resources i.e. new stone materials leading to degradation of the natural environment through reduction of aesthetics of the environment” . As aforementioned, retrofitting a building may only involve performing modification on certain parts of the building rather than the whole building. This may not require huge amounts of resources as in the case of constructing a new building, hence reducing the amount of greenhouse gases that may be emitted during the modification process. 

Fast Strategy to Attract Investors
In their research, Tobias and Vavaroutsos 2012 assert that “Retrofitting may also be performed on buildings in order to improve its overall aesthetic value”. In addition, stakeholders may perform retrofitting as a means of improving the indoor environmental quality of a building. It is a fact that retrofitting process consume smaller amount of time compared to building a new infrastructure or building that may consume months and in some cases, more than one year. Most business investors currently prefer operating in buildings that portray them positively among the clients, government and the overall society. Taking this factor into consideration, most building and infrastructural owners prefer retrofitting their existing buildings as a faster strategy to attract investors who are mainly attracted to high quality buildings. 

Retrofitting is More Cost-Efficient
Construction of a new building involves a series of activities, usually beginning with environmental and social impact assessments. This may be followed by engaging in contracts, creating the foundation of a building et cetera. In this regard, construction of a new building basically entails utilization f a higher amount of financial, human and technological resources compared to retrofitting. As aforementioned, retrofitting does not involve construction from scratch; it is a strategy that only involves modification of desired parts or portions of a building. In this regard, most managers or building owners will prefer utilizing a strategy that does not subject their organizations to incur high amounts of costs. 

Exposes Building Owners to Range of Technologies that Facilitate Saving of Resources
Retrofitting existing buildings exposes stakeholders and building owners to a range of technologies that can be applied to facilitate efficient use of resources such as: Water, energy and even management of waste. There are various technologies that have been developed to facilitate or enable stakeholders to engage in retrofitting of existing buildings. One of these technologies is the use of Absorption Chillers; this technology performs similar function to the modern chillers. They produce chilled water that performing the function of cooling. The major difference existing between absorption chillers and the modern chillers is based on the fact that absorption chillers are specifically driven by sources of heat instead of electricity, hence facilitating saving of electric energy. These technologies can be incorporated into the structure of an existing building efficiently compared to the process of building of new infrastructure from scratch, which may not allow stakeholders to incorporate resource conserving technologies mainly as a result of their designs.

In summary, it is appropriate to acknowledge that retrofitting is a better strategy to modify a building to in accordance with the requirements of the owner of the building as compared to constructing a new building. To begin with, retrofitting facilitates development of high quality infrastructures considering the fact that there are certain specific guidelines that are followed by contractors. These guidelines are universal and act as benchmarks that enhance the development of high quality infrastructure. Additionally, it is apparent that retrofitting lower the overall operational costs of a company compared to constructing a new infrastructure from scratch. A aforementioned, retrofitting require managers to modify specific parts of a building, which do not consume the same amounts of resources as may be required to construct an entire new building. For stakeholders that intend to attract investors or portray a positive image of themselves in the society by having the most sustainable buildings, retrofitting is the most appropriate strategy. Retrofitting does not only involve a consumption of small amount of financial resources, but it can also be performed within a short period of time, allowing organizations to meet to enhance the process of meeting their short-term goals. Consequently, retrofitting exposes building owners to a range of technologies that enable them to enhance saving of various resources such as: Water and energy.

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