Tuesday 7 March 2017

Leadership and Team Skills Assessments

Leadership and Team Skills Assessments
 Relationship between IT Group and Other Departments in Organizations
The roles of Information Technology Group include; enhancing communication, marketing, and information system management and customer relationship management. In improving communication, IT group ensure all channels promoting communication is effective.  IT team collaborates with other departments within the organization in resolving technical problems that may hinder employees from performing their roles as expected.
Another role of IT group is to market organization role, vision, and services. For instance; in business scenarios, IT groups collaborates with management, human resource department and sales department to get guidance on products to advertise. The sole purpose of such collaboration is avoiding conflicting information when adverts are done separately by each department.
IT group is not limited to data and customer relationship management. They ensure collection of relevant information from employees and store it safely.  When an employer is in need of employee’s bio-data and performance history, IT department should be in a position to provide such information. IT department keeps track of customers request and demands for comfortable service deliveries and avoiding conflicts arising when customer’s requirements are not met.
Values of Social Organization
Social organization values are; collaboration, social consciousness, employees assistance and humanitarian roles. Social organization mandate is to collaborate with staff and clients for service delivery, improvement and maintenance of the institution stability through uniting the members to clients and addressing their various demands accordingly.
Social organizations contribute to humanitarian by donating to charity. Such assistance motivates and facilitates team growth as it changes people perspective to viewing the organisation beyond its usual roles thus attracting interests of several individuals towards the organization.
It is important to acknowledge that employees’ support in a social organisation means that organizations are in a position of helping their employees develop their skills by continuously facilitating training, salary appraisal and helping employees when in need. i.e., paying for their health bills or supporting them when bereaved.

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