Saturday 4 March 2017

Cultural Group of the Medical Field

        Cultural Group of the Medical Field
The medical field is composed of a culturally diverse group; in addition it is also composed of persons of varying academic disciplines who are responsible for implementation of various duties and tasks. One of the culturally diverse medical fields is the United States medical field characterized by provision of medical services to various ethnic and cultural groups or communities for example: African-American patients, Hispanic-Americans, Whites, Asian-Americans, American Indians et cetera. One of the most surprising issues in regard to cultural diversity in the American Medical field is that at least each of these cultural groups has varying medical needs. The difference in medical needs among these culturally diverse groups has been associated with the fact that these groups have different lifestyle practices and have varying genetic compositions which are susceptible to various diseases. Research indicates that the prevalence of hypertension among African-American is higher than the prevalence of hypertension among Whites.
            Additionally, the medical field is composed of professionals with different academic knowledge or from various disciplines. These experts perform various duties, but with a common goal for instance: There are psychologists and psychiatrists who are responsible for ensuring proper mental health among their patients. There are also pediatricians who have the responsibility of providing medical health services to children. From these examples one can identify that the overall goal of pediatricians and psychologists is to ensure proper health among patients. On the other hand, there are professionals who perform different tasks in the medical field, yet they do not possess medical knowledge for instance: There are security experts who have the responsibility of protecting the security and safety of stakeholders within medical facilities. Government institutions and other legal organs are also some of the most crucial stakeholders within the medical field. Government usually formulate laws and regulations meant to guide medical practices while other legal organs i.e. health ministry have the responsibility of enforcing health laws and regulations.

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