Saturday 4 March 2017

Social welfare Issues

Social welfare Issue

        Annotated Bibliography
Bhugra, D. (1996). Homelessness and Mental Health. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

In this book Dinesh Bhugra discusses the relationship between mental health and homelessness, identifying that homelessness has become a pertinent issue in the contemporary society. This has led to emergence of the issues of mental health on political agendas as well as policy making. In the introductory section, Dinesh Bhugra provides a brief description of the history of homelessness and mental illness, models of homelessness, homeless families as well as the young and homeless. The major strength of this chapter is that it provides information regarding history of mental health and homelessness.
In Chapter two, Dinesh Bhugra discusses services offered to mentally ill and homeless people, with a specific focus in the United States. This is the major strength of this chapter; it enhances one’s understanding on how developed nations like the US support mentally ill and homeless persons. The third chapter of this book focuses on a discussion of an international perspective regarding homeless and mental health. Dinesh Bhugra describes a European perspective regarding homelessness, mental illness and lessons that one can learn from countries such as Australia and the United States. The major strength of this chapter lies on the fact that the author incorporates perspectives ascribed to homelessness and mental illness from other parts of the globe. However, from a personal perspective, the author should have incorporated perspectives regarding mental illness and homelessness from other regions like Asia; this is the major weakness of this chapter. Dinesh Bhugra discusses policy issues ascribed to homelessness and mental illness in the fourth chapter of the book: The pertinence of this chapter is based on the fact that it creates awareness among readers in relation to policy issues affecting homelessness and mental illness. This chapter is also pertinent considering the fact that the author discusses future directions in relation to management of homelessness and mental illness. This book has widened my scope of understanding regarding homelessness and mental illness. It provides information regarding perspectives of mental illness and homelessness and how these two issues are inter-related.

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