Monday 27 February 2017

Florida Wildlife Commission

Florida Wildlife Commission
1.      Overview
            Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC) is an important career position in the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The Commissioner is mandated by the authorities in Florida State to ratify and oversee the regulations and guidelines concerning the conservation of fish, wildlife resources, and their habitats. The Florida Wildlife Commission protects the welfare of the wildlife and to ensure their profitability to the state and the people. The career of Florida Wildlife Commission is influenced by the state Florida state administration as the governor prearranges the top commissioners and sanctioned by the Florida legislature. Customarily, seven commissioners are appointed from different parts of the state for the Florida Wildlife Commission to oversee all the officers working with the Florida Wildlife Commission to ensure that the fish and wildlife in the entire state of Florida are protected
2.      Qualification for Florida Wildlife Commission
a)      Educational Requirements
            Several eligibility requirements are considered for the employment of the Florida Wildlife Commission officer.  For one to be considered for the position of Florida Wildlife Commission officer, he or she must have attained the educational requirements specified by the commission. The appointed person must have a college degree or at least high school diploma with two years of public interaction experience. Those who have had at least two years of expertise in the military or at least one year experience as sworn law enforcement officers also have the upper hand for the position of the Florida Wildlife Commission officer. Individuals who have completed or attended at least 30 semesters of 45 hours at any accredited university or college are qualified to apply for the Florida Wildlife Commission job (Minimum Qualifications).
b)      Certification and License
            The individuals recruited for the Florida Wildlife Commission job must have a certification from the police department. The police certification indicates that the person has never been involved in any felony. Another certification required is the driver's license that must be valid. In the case of sworn law enforcement applicants, they must provide a sworn certification document.
c)      Working Conditions and Working Hours
            The Florida Wildlife Commission officers have most of their operations outdoors. Those on the call are expected to be on patrol regardless of the condition. The working conditions can be unfavorable some of the time because of the extreme weather and the wild situation that can be dangerous on some occasions. The FWC officers are sometimes exposed to long working hours and may have to work on Sundays and public holidays.
            The standard working hours for the FWC officers are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, which is an eight-hour shift per shift for five days of the week. The standard working hours per week is 40 hours. However, the FWC officers are most of the times forced to work long hours because if the long distance traveled during the patrols and surveillance. Some are even forced to work at night or during the weekend if the need arises.
3.      Pros and Cons of the Working Hours
            The standard working hours per day, which is eight hours can allow the FWC officer to engage in other economic or social activities. It is possible to operate a business or have a second part time hob and still serve as an FWC officer. Five days of work per week can permit the FWC officer to plan other activities for the weekend.
            However, there is no precise time for ending duties as the FWC officer mat be forced to work longer hours than usual because of the distance survey and patrol. Also, the FWC may be called to work during the weekends thereby inconveniencing his or her plans.
4.      Earnings and Opportunities of Adjustment
            The amendments of the Florida Wildlife Commission salary that was effected on July 2012 saw increments in the annual salaries to range from $32,836 to $45,822 depending on the position, rank, and duration of service. The payments are exclusive of other incentives and allowances.
 The earning are subject to adjustments depending on promotions, increase in duration of service and collective bargaining of the relevant councils and workers associations.
5.      Related Occupation
Other related careers to Florida Wildlife Commission include Florida Game Warden and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.

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