Monday 27 February 2017

The Consumption of Genetically Modified Food Products

The Consumption of Genetically Modified Food Products
  1. Introduction
In an article, published on the Huffington post, Nirvana Abou-Gabal indicates that the consumption of Genetically Modified Organisms has raised controversial discussions among key stakeholders. Certain fast food retailers such as the Chipotle have mentioned that they would stop including GMO food products in their menu based on the adverse health effects associated with the consumption of these materials. This move was highly supported by many health stakeholders, especially those that believe GMO’s create negative impacts on the health of consumers. Despite these dissenting opinions on Genetically Modified organism, there are stakeholders who have mentioned that the production of GMO is an imperative move strategy to curb hunger in many countries. A significant number of individuals that support the production of Genetically Modified Organisms for consumption believe that there has not been any substantial research that links the organisms with adverse health effects, hence, the assertion that they could affect human health are based on theoretical reasoning.
  1. Current Issues Surrounding the Consumption of Genetically Modified Organisms
At the peak of the controversies surrounding the consumption of Genetically Modified Organisms, there are various reasons that have been posted concerning the adverse health effects of consuming GMO’s; many individuals in the scientific world have argued that the use of GMO’s for human consumption are associated with certain long-term health effects. Others have placed emphasis on the adverse impacts of these products on the environment; it is believed that more than 65 percent of contemporary food products contain GMO materials. In a joint statement offered by over 300 healthcare researchers, it is mentioned that there is no clear data concerning the safety of Genetically Modified Organisms. In fact, these researchers have disputed previous researchers performed by stakeholders such as Snell et al. who argued that the consumption of GMO is 100 percent safe. The other concern that has been raised by stakeholders that do not support the consumption of GMO food products is that there has not been any monitoring system implemented by governments and key regulatory authorities to trace the consumption of the trillion GMO products in countries such as the United States. Many GMO products are not labeled and there are no epidemiological studies that focus on the impacts of GMO’s. Besides, the controversial issue surrounding the consumption of GMO products has been associated with the chemical products that are usually applied in the treatment of these products. Many stakeholders believe that there is no clear data indicating whether or not the use of these chemical have significant long-term effects on human health.
It is essential to acknowledge that despite the fact that there are substantial parties that oppose the consumption of GMO products, key healthcare organizations such as the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Drug Administration have given green signals or permitted the consumption of these products. The World Health Organization acknowledges the pertinent roles GMO in curbing the current food crisis experienced in least developing nations in Africa and other parts of the world. In the opinion of WHO and FAO, the consumption of GMO’s is safe, although, there is need to label GMO products in retail outlets so that the public is allowed to make a choice concerning their food. This is the reason the Food and Drug Administration has implemented a policy that require producers to label their products, indicating whether or not they are organic or inorganic.

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