Monday 27 February 2017

Foreign Aid

                                                              Foreign Aid
            Foreign aid is frequently criticized for failing to contribute to world economic growth and poverty decline. The failure of foreign aid to achieve its expected goals of economic growth and poverty elimination is of great apprehension due to the responsibility expected of foreign aid to achieve Strategic Development Goals (SDG’S) through participation.  Some of the developmental objectives that foreign aid is supposed to accomplish rely on the people assumptions. Many individuals assume that foreign aid primary purpose is to help in poverty reduction.  The efficiency of foreign aid capability to reduce poverty and obtain relevant development results is inclusive of other related developmental outcomes. Examples of such an effect include poverty precondition reduction. Individuals benefiting from foreign aid never seem to understand that development is a gradual process and that assistance from other countries to their countries does not necessarily mean that foreign aid has to change the face of their countries completely. Foreign aid has for sure contributed to the development of some countries even though it has not been able to eliminate poverty in such countries altogether.
  1. Salient Issues Relating To Access and Effectiveness of Foreign Aid
Some of the salient issues relating to access and effectiveness of foreign aid include poverty and illiteracy. The majority of the world population is poor and depends on one or less than one dollar a day .such individuals are left with no option other than to rely on foreign aid to cater for their daily needs or even to provide for their accommodation. Most people who live in the slums are exposed to risking life conditions and health hazards.   The trend of the day among these individuals is based on survival for the fittest principal. These people due to their poor conditions value foreign aid and see it as an answered prayer to their tribulations.
Another salient issue relating to access and effectiveness of foreign aid is illiteracy. The majority of the population that depends on foreign aid is illiterate individuals. Women are the leading persons with less knowledge of education. Most of the times, men go out to work while women are left behind taking care of their children. In some homes, women are the primary breadwinners. Illiteracy slices women to an unemployment conditions as they are unable to get employed with their low education status.   Most of these women end up working for low pay so as to sustain the needs of their families.
a)      Redress strategies by African Development Bank and Latin American Countries
The poor People should be given rights to assets ownership. Assets purchase includes both tangible and intangible assets.  Tangible assets include all property that can be physically seen. Poor people should also be given the right to property ownership and property access. The intangible asset that poor people can benefit from is information access. Most poor people have little or no knowledge on several issues including problems that affect their lives directly. Most poor households are not able to afford money for purchasing communication channels.  There is a need for the government to ensure that people from the slums get access to possible communication channels. Getting access to information and communication channels will enable the poor participate in economic, social and economic development projects. There is a need to invest more on education and better health care for people living in the slums.  Governments should continually invest on slums upgrading projects so as to ensure that citizens stay in a clean and healthy environment. The government should also ensure that all slum regions have accessible and affordable health centers.  The issue of illiteracy can also be dealt with through constructions of mores schools and ensuring that education is available to all school going children.
b)      The Impact That the Introduction of Agricultural Subsidies on Wheat Will Have On the Pattern of Consumption of Tonga
The introduction of wheat in Tonga as a subsidiary agricultural product will have greater impacts on the country as it will enhance the country economic growth.   The presentation of wheat will lead to increased revenue for the country as the government total tax percentage revenue will increase .Wheat consumption will also improve the social status of the people of Tonga as some will get employment opportunities due to the use of wheat within their region. Another impact of wheat consumption for the people of Tonga is that it will enable the citizens of Tonga to maintain the soil fertility of their area better due to the concentration of different types of crops thus leading to soil fertility. Australia whose is Tonga largest donor is will be influenced by the harvest results on whether they should keep investing on Tonga or they should opt for another country. Good yields will encourage more investment while poor returns may discourage future investments.
c)      How to Test the Outcome using a Natural Experience
The probability of the wheat to germinate to maturity will be determined by the climatic conditions of Tonga at the time the wheat are grown. Tonga experiences different weather conditions at certain times of the year. Due to its location towards the ocean, the Kingdom is more pruned to natural disasters. The small islands developing states of Tonga have a low climatic adaptive capacity, and therefore the wheat may not perform well when grown here.
The Pacific region is influenced by trade wind regimes, Walker circulation, seasonally varying convergence zones and the paired Hadley cells.

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