Monday 27 February 2017

Business Continuity and Database

                                    Business Continuity and Database

Common Aspects of Business Continuity/Security Policies and Training
            The common aspects of Business Continuity, Security Policies and Training include information, technology and knowledge among others . Business continuity relies on the availability of proper information regarding trending issues and other key aspects of business operations. Similarly, the formulation and utilization of security policies must be performed with the knowledge of appropriate laws and regulations as well as imperative security factors that might affect a particular organization. Stakeholders might also be compelled to identify proper technologies that could enhance the implementation of organizational security policies. Consequently, the foundation of training is to provide knowledge and skills; this means that concerned stakeholders must be equipped with appropriate knowledge and skills. Business continuity has a significant effect on any organization because it determines the current and future success of the organization. Security policies are imperative in various ways, for instance, they facilitate the protection of organizational information and offers a direction for its operations.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Indexing
            Indexing databases provides a platform for the easy access and identification of critical information. Indexes also trigger proper performance among organizational stakeholders, mainly through proper management of databases or information. Through indexing databases, concerned parties are able to engage in a quick identification of unique records. Certain researchers have indicated that indexes are essential because they promote efficient sorting and organization of a company’s data. This also supports the elimination of the post-fetch issues in many organizations. However, the weaknesses of indexes in database management may include; reducing performance on delete, updates or inserts. Consequently, indexing database materials also occupy a lot of space, hence, increasing the amount of fields together with their length. Consequently, certain databases may monocase values or items on field that have not been subjected to indexing.

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