Monday 27 February 2017

Futurism and Sustainability

Futurism and Sustainability
            Mobile Technology resources such as social media websites are becoming ubiquitous; the rate at which technological change occurs is unprecedented, characterized with the flow of new services and products that can be accessed by global consumers . It is a fact that technology has a significant effect on almost every aspect of our lives and other critical domains of the contemporary society. The communication industry is the center of the most current phases that have experienced significant revolutionary changes. There are various socio-economic considerations that have been taken into account when focusing on issues associated technological changes and developments. For instance, many stakeholders are interested in the determination of the future of these technological resources including their sustainability or other essential sustainability issues. It is essential to acknowledge that Sustainability issues mainly focus on the impact of technological development on human health and the physical environment.
Many stakeholders believe that technological resources may enhance sustainable modes of living, although, this could also be associated with a change in the habits and the attitudes of concerned parties. Even though the modes of consumption are rapidly changing, the shifts are merely a beginning of a larger course and may probably take a longer period of time. The use of social media as a critical communication technology has to undergo changes and adapt. In such a process, technological changes and sustainability are not usually regarded as exclusive choices. This paper presents a discussion regarding the futurism of technological, specifically, social media as a mobile application and related sustainability issues.
Futuristic Perspectives and Sustainability Issues Related to Social Media as a Mobile Communication Technology
It is imperative to acknowledge that many technologists have placed emphasis on sustainability reporting, arguing that contemporary generations must think about future generations in their technological developments or consumption processes. The futuristic opinions appreciate imagination and vision. The vision of a future prosperous society may appear so dreamy for many people and in the business environment; however, it is paramount that people must detach themselves from dreams or barriers to achieving reality. A significant number of technologists are making important attempts to find out plausible ways through which modern communication technologies such as social media could be utilized to promote sustainability.
            Social media is an important communication technology is considered one of the most responsive platforms that could promote a forward looking ideologies or futuristic perspectives. Currently, there are several companies or industries that have been associated with unsustainable practices, for instance, the manufacturing sector and transport sector among others. Social media provides a platform through which environmental activists and other concerned parties may disseminate important information about the need to appreciate sustainable production and consumption of resources. Many emerging companies have shown a high level of commitment towards promoting sustainability and tend to associated with futuristic or forward-looking perspectives. This has been successfully shown by their active engagement in environmental management and awareness programs among communities.
            Various international environment activism organizations have considered social media channels such as Facebook as an imperative communication tool through which the current generation could be informed of the need to engage in sustainable practices. One of these international organizations is the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWFN). With over 5 million supporters across the globe, this organization has implemented over 1300 environmental conservation projects in various parts of the world. It is one of the International pioneers that have encouraged environmental activism through social media channels. The organization uses social media to create awareness concerning the protection of endangered species, for instance, in its Facebook Handle, this organization promotes the protection of tiger populations and gorillas. It has also engaged in massive The World Wide Fund for Nature has also implemented a series of awareness programs through its social media handle to participate in the reduction of climate change effects by engaging in sustainable practices. In a recent press conference, the World Wide Fund for Nature mentioned that it plans to engage in collaboration with social media stakeholders such as Netflix as well as Silverback Films so that they can develop an educative documentary about sustainability and the protection of planet earth.
            The other organization that promotes the concept of futurism and sustainable use of resources through social media platforms is the United States National Wildlife Federation. This is one of the largest non-profit institutions in the United States. It has embraced social media technologies as critical tools through which societies can get connected to ensure that there adequate exchange of knowledge and information about futurism and sustainability. For example, the National Wildlife Federation has introduced a futuristic perspective or vision geared towards promoting sustainable consumption and protecting future environmental health. Some of its contemporary campaigns include; strengthening environmental laws such as water acts, clean air et cetera. The United States National Environmental Federation also advocates for proper parenting, characterized by the provision of outdoor services to children across the United States. This information is disseminated through various social media sites and modern communication applications such as Facebook and Twitter.
            The use of social media as a modern communication technology has also been embraced by the Environmental Working Group to promote futuristic and sustainability concepts. Through its organizational website, the Environmental Working Group promotes protection of natural resources by creating awareness concerning various toxic materials emitted by manufacturing and construction companies to the environment. Its main objective in connection to the implementation of these awareness programs through social media communication technologies is to promote activism by reaching a wide perspective of stakeholders across the United States.
The Role of Governments in Promoting Futuristic and Sustainable Perspectives through Mobile Communication Technologies
            Many governments have recognized the tremendous changes experienced in the technological communication sector. A significant number of communities currently have easy access to mobile communication platforms, equipped with various internet applications where they can access information concerning various issues. In this regard, governments and concerned stakeholders have launched online communication systems such as government websites and social media sites where their populations can access information associated with sustainable consumption and the protection of resources for future generations. A good example is the United Arab Emirates that has launched its e-governance platforms where grass root communities can access different perspectives of information. Through the e-governance structures, the UAE Government provides critical information concerning developmental projects, government environmental programs and sustainability issues. The United States government through its agencies has also established various social media sites such as websites, noting that many people have access to mobile communication platforms that enable them to access various forms of information (Barnes, 96). It is imperative to recognize that governments play significant roles in regard to provision of essential information about environmental protection and sustainable practices. Perhaps this is one of the reasons various developmental organizations make efforts to ensure that government agencies are engaged in the protection of environmental resources through different awareness programs.
Paradigm Shift from Physical Stores to Digital and Borderless Stores
            Certain environmental activists and developmental organizations have placed emphasis on the fact that the introduction of mobile technology platforms has created a paradigm shift from the use of physical stores to digital or borderless stores. That is, the existence of mobile technologies, equipped with different high-end applications through which stakeholders may access different aspects of information promoted e-commerce, characterized with reduced necessity of physical stores. Taking this perspective into consideration, researchers believe that a reduction in the number of physical stores by introducing digital business platforms is a key strategy to promote sustainable living. In this perspective, physical stores have developed into a living inter-connected space. The process of designing materials, production and selling are available in the inter-connected spaces. Through these spaces, concerned stakeholders such as business persons and their clients are able to interact effectively through communication technologies. Many technological stakeholders believe that the development of a digital mobile space that encourages business activities requires proper or high-end technological infrastructure that offer an opportunity for concerned parties to utilize various technologies such as biometrics, 3-Dimensional Realities, cloud computing, connected objects and wearable devices among others. The idea that support the development of such a complex inter-connected system is based on the intelligent utilization of multi-source information via improved real-time data.
            The concept of digital markets is critical to promoting sustainability in various ways; firstly, it reduces the need for an individual to engage in physical movement from one location to another. This means that it promotes a significant reduction of the amount of energy that would be invested as consumers travel from their residential locations to retailers. It is obvious that the most currently utilized form of energy in the transportations sector is fossil fuel; fossil fuel has been associated with several adverse effects on the natural or physical environment. For instance, the use of physical fuel is seen as a major factor that contributes to global warming and climate change because of the Greenhouse gases that are usually emitted while burning fossil fuels. In this regard, a decrease in the movement of populations from one location to another is seen as a major mechanism through developmental stakeholders could reduce Greenhouse gas emission. This can be successfully achieved through the use of a digitized community that has access to different advanced communication platforms.
            Another reason stakeholder believe mobile technology could be a solution to sustainable development and the survival of future general is the pertinent role mobile technologies have played in regard to disease response. In the previous year, a partnership between ‘Positive Innovation for Next Generation’ and HP Company together with the Clinton Health Access Initiative developed a mobile platform that would provide solutions to disease outbreaks in various under-developed parts of the world, especially the African region. Through these mobile solutions, the HP Company implemented an awareness program where health workers were equipped with adequate information concerning malarial disease, its symptoms and treatment options. Through this solution, stakeholders are in a positive to ensure that disease outbreak is also properly reported to concerned stakeholders. Before the implementation of these mobile solutions, it was reported that reporting incidences of diseases could take between 3 and 4 days in most countries of the African content. It has been widely mentioned that the introduction of mobile phones to supported activities in the healthcare sector could be compared to the introduction of these technologies in the early 1990’s with a purpose of facilitating business activities. According to Paul Ellingstad, HP Company Directors, currently more than 5.7 billion people are connected to different mobile networks and platforms because of improved access to mobile technologies. This aspect of pervasiveness is essential because stakeholders in the healthcare sector are in a position to manage disease incidents through the provision of healthcare data, awareness creation and prevention of communities from hazards.
            Mobile communication technologies also promote futuristic concepts and sustainable living through improve government monitoring and accountability. This aspect of mobile technology has been implemented in India where technological stakeholders such as the Indo-Deutch Project Management Society have provided a solution that is supported by mobile phones. These solutions provide a platform where Indian citizens can raise concerns about government services, developmental projects and key environmental issues. Mobile monitoring also promote the protection of the rights of individuals across the globe given that issues associated with rights violation could be rapidly spread across the globe and access by relevant stakeholders.

Possible Future Trends in the Mobile Communication Technology Sector
            There are technologists who have described mobile and social media technologies as disruptive forms of technology that could experience or undergo significant changes in future. Besides, these technologies are seen as pertinent communication tools that could affect many socio-economic sectors across the globe. One of the future trends that could occur in mobile technology is a continuous use of social media platforms; it is anticipated that social media could become one of the most preferred digital ecosystems. Many business stakeholders are expected to continue using social media to promote content marketing and access of real-time data; in fact, pundits have mentioned that consumers may experience complexities in regard to the use of social media platforms due to possible sophistication that would emerge as a result of continued advancement. The future of major online search engines such as Google and SEM is also uncertain. Google and SEM are some of the most established search engines that have been used for a long time. However, the introduction of mobile phone, equipped with social media platforms threatens the future success of these engines. For instance, it has been anticipated that many consumers are affected by rapid emergence of social media and prefer using these sites to access information from the internet. A significant number of people have begun to embrace alternative search engines such as YouTube and Pinterest (Hwang and Po-Han, 84).  Messaging applications are also gaining popularity and are classified as critical threats to the mainstream media.
            Innovative activities, particularly, mobile communication technologies by countries such as China will most likely threaten the success of the United States in regard to technological development. China is rapidly emerging as a technology innovation hub, with many foreign investors pumping massive amounts of financial resources to set companies in this company. This trend will most likely improve China’s position as a technological innovation giant globally. Technology enthusiasts project that China’s rapid innovation of communication technology, characterized by an increase in connections among key stakeholders will disrupt the United States internally and externally.  
            There is also a possibility that major technological stakeholders like Google Inc. will develop killer applications. This has been in its recent efforts where it introduced the Google Glass, which was highly appreciated, although, it has not been official introduced in the global market. The other company that has developed a state-of-the-art application, indicating possible tremendous future improvements is the Skully Company that recently developed a vertical application; this application has been efficient in the augmentation of reality. Besides, an increase in the access of mobile phone and a variety of information from the internet including entertainment material will most likely jeopardize the music industry. Increased streaming of music and entertainment materials will jeopardize the success of the Music industry. This is because these platforms have encouraged free access of musical and entertainment content, an incidence that hinders artists from accessing income. Many artists have complained that some of the internet platforms underpay musical composers. This trend is likely to continue in future and will pose a threat to the survival of the music industry given that many artists such as Garth Brooks and Taylor Swift have complained about these issues.
            There is also a possibility that increased access to mobile communication platforms will impact future markets, especially Stock Exchange Markets like the Wall Streets. It is anticipated that a continued utilization of various mobile phone applications, particularly, customer conscious materials will influence future stock markets. For instance, it has been projected that the increase of digital communication platforms will affect the Wall Street so that customers’ experiences will be affected by service providers like the Jet Blue Company. Mobile forms of payment might also skyrocket in future, even though; they are highly embraced in the current generation. In the months of 2013, only 6 percents of adults in the United States indicated that they had made payments using mobile phone applications. This figure is expected to rise because companies such as Apple Inc. have taken initiatives characterized by introducing proper mobile phone payment applications like the Apple Pay App. In fact, it is noted that mobile payment options are gaining traction; more than 15 percent of Starbucks clients have mentioned that they currently enjoy the use of mobile phone applications to make payment for their services. Research indicates that not less than 60 percent of clients consider making payments through mobile phones because of the related loyalty benefits.
            Mobile phone technology has become a critical mechanism of communication in the contemporary society. However, there have been issues of sustainability and the future of these technologies in future generation. Many stakeholders have acknowledged the critical roles played by mobile technology communication platforms such as Facebook Apps, YouTube and Twitter among others. These technologies have been significantly utilized by international organizations such as the World Wide Fund for Nature to create awareness and environmental sustainability programs. Besides, the emergence of e-commerce, facilitated by availability of mobile phones is regarded as an essential approach to the reduction of the effects of global warming, particularly because of reduced movement of populations from one location to another. Consequently, the introduction and a continued use of mobile phone applications has been considered a major threat to the success of other major communication platforms such as Google; many people currently prefer using YouTube and Pinterest to search and access pertinent information. These technologies are expected to create significant socio-economic changes in future.

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