Monday 27 February 2017

Differences in the Methods of Oral Presentations and when they can be applied Manuscript

Differences in the Methods of Oral Presentations and when they can be applied
            This is a method of oral presentation or delivery of speech whereby speakers provide information to their audience from a text (Roberts). The manuscript method is characterized by an incidence where the speaker writes their speech word-by-word; they also practice how they will deliver the information to their target audience. Besides, the manuscript method can be used in formal events i.e. presidential conferences or during stakeholders' meeting.
In this process, the speaker delivers information to their target audience after memorizing information. Memorization method provides a platform for concerned stakeholders to move around on the platform and ensure that they maintain an appropriate eye contact with their audience (Roberts). In certain cases, they may depend on written documents i.e. notes or even scripts. Individuals that aspire to use this method are usually encouraged to incorporate inflection to their voice and ensure that they have notes to prevent incidences of forgetting key points. It can be used by professional speakers or among politicians.
            In this method, individuals deliver information saved in the form of notes. It is a method that is only recommended to speakers that with to provide short, yet detailed speeches within a short period. The impromptu method offers a platform for stakeholders to organize information in a precise outline, develop notes and consider key points (Roberts). The application of the impromptu method is appropriate for speakers that aspire to provide information to their audience in a natural manner, for example, motivational talks et cetera.
            In this method, speakers combine memorization, manuscript and impromptu techniques. The speech is usually planned in a careful manner. For example, it begins by writing down the speech in an exact dimension, followed by the development of an outline. It is characterized by highlighting important issues or points as well as memorization of other parts of the speech so that it is delivered in a conversational tone. It is a method that is highly applicable to the learning environment as it engages the target audience.
Informative Presentations
An informative presentation is a form of speech delivery that is undertaken with a focus to educate an audience regarding a particular topic. Informative presentations encourage the use of demonstrations, detailed or vivid description of issues as well as a precise definition of questions in a manner that the target audience can comprehend. One of the benefits of informative presentations is that it enhances the understanding of complex issues. It also enhances the confidence of the audience because speakers do not rely on pathos, but rather focus on delivery of data.
Differences between Speeches of Descriptions, Explanations, and Demonstration
            Description Speeches: The objective of descriptive statement is to create a detailed and vivid picture of a particular issue on the mind of a target audience. The content of descriptive speech is characterized by the existence of objects, locations, individuals, and animals. This type of speech is also organized in a manner that speakers begin by introducing his audience to the topic or issue.
            Explanations/Explanatory Speech: This kind of speech is usually provided to describe the state of particular issues or topics. It is common among stakeholders in industries where identified audience may be informed concerning particular issues associated with industry. Explanatory speeches are usually organized in a manner that they enable stakeholders to utilize visualization to enhance their understanding of their audience. The primary objective of explanatory speeches is to summarize complex data into easily comprehensive data package.
            Demonstration Speeches: This is a form of speech delivery that explicates how particular issues are undertaken or performed. That is, speakers utilize demonstrative speech to indicate how something operates. It is usually organized by incorporation of an object that is used for demonstration purposes. Moreover, it may involve the use of visual aid such as pictures, graphs, and maps among others.
Audience Analysis
            Audience analysis is one of the major characteristics of public speeches (Audience Analysis). It may involve the assessment of an audience’s cultural background, age, gender, language and educational level. Audience analysis is important as it provides an opportunity for the speaker to identify data aspects that may assist in building natural or positive rapport with their audience. In performing audience analysis, speakers may also determine the amount of information possess by their target audience or listeners (Audience Analysis). This provides a basis for the determination of information characteristics i.e. what should be included or excluded in the speech.
Speech Preparation
            Research indicates that the preparation of speech is important because it prevents an occurrence of predicaments during presentation (Speech Preparation #1: How to Prepare a Presentation). It is an essential element in successful speech presentation because it improves the capacities of speakers to reduce nervousness or fear that are associated with public speaking (Speech Preparation #1: How to Prepare a Presentation). The first step in a successful speech presentation involves choosing a topic and the determination whether a particular subject meets the needs of targeted audience. The second step of a successful speech presentation involves creating an outline, followed by writing the speech. Speakers are also encouraged to apply body movements while delivering the speech; the body movements may be rehearsed to determine when and where they are applicable.

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