Monday 27 February 2017

Social Factors Affecting the Relationship between Men and Women

Social Factors Affecting the Relationship between Men and Women
            The relationship between men and women is significantly affected by different social factors. The difference in masculinity and the varying exposure to social resources affect the relationship between men and women. The various impacts of social forces to the different genders also play an important role in the relationship and communication between men and women. The sexual relationships and characteristics of both men and women are constructed several social structures. This paper provides a discussion on the social factors or variables that affect the relationship between men and women.
            Cultural and social norms have the capability to influence the relationship and interactions between men and women as well as gender identity. Cultural gender differences impact the way persons from different genders relate to one another; the cultural gender differences also affect communication processes between men and women. The variation in the relationships between men and women begins from a younger age. For instance, this is evident in the games played by children; some of these games are associated with masculinity while others are associated with feminism. A significant number of girls play house chore-related games while the boys play competitive games as well as sports thereby facilitating the development of different orientation. The games girls play orient them to the female aesthetic while the boy games are strategic and create the spirit of competition. The difference in the structure of the childhood games influences how men and women associate or communicate. Women tend to use more rules when talking compared to the manner in which men talk.      
Social and Cultural Stereotypes                  
            The societal culture and stereotypical social factors that portray men as more dominant, more aggressive, and superior to women have affected the relationships between the two genders. The common over-generalization of men as being superior over women has facilitated the development of a negative correlation between men and women. In most cases, men feel that it is their right and duty to dominate primary roles or socio-economic activities in the society while the women feel that they also deserve an equal share within the same sector.
 People are using stereotypes to reinforce various social contrivances in a similar manner like the spillover effect. This fact suggests that the social roles played by men and women can affect their performance in managerial or leadership positions. For example, many men are convinced that women cannot deliver high-quality results in the senior administrative and economic posts, hence, tend to look down upon the leadership of women. With the rising of the gender equality in most of societies across the globe, there is an increasing tension in the leadership relationships between men and women. A significant number of women have shown acceptance and willingness to be rules or controlled by men.
            Stereotypical opinions in gender and leadership have existed in the society over the last three decades. They affect the manner in which men and women associated with one another, especially, in terms of roles and activities dominated by each gender. Women are perceived to be unfit for technical and leadership roles in their communities because of the notion of male superiority. Many women struggle to fight the predominant male ideologies but have failed tremendously. Their efforts directed toward proving to the society that women can equally perform important duties a men have also jeopardized their relationship with the males. The battle for gender supremacy majorly affects the relationships between men and women. Women have identified the cultural and social stereotypes as a hindrance to their development and have echoed their views concerning these issues over the past few years.
Gender Differences in Social Interactions  
            Feminine and masculine cultures create the differences regarding the way men and women communicate or express their views. For example, the extents disclose sensitive issues about themselves vary greatly compared to men. Women are more intimate and more detailed than men when communicating. Also, women are highly affectionate, more confident; consequently, women award a high level of priority to their communication compared to men. The differences in communication techniques affect the manner in which men and women associate.
 The ways females communicate with individuals of similar gender differ greatly to the manner in which men communicate with fellow men. The men tend to create a friendship with people of the same sex based on mutual interests while females will only form friendships with individuals from the same sex based on joint support. Opposite gender relations and friendships can be built on either general support or mutual interests. Other factors that affect the relationships and friendships between conventional genders are; acceptance, communication, affection, shared interests, novelty, and proximity among others.
            The context of the information is very vital when defining how to communicate with one another. It is essential to scrutinize and understand the context of the information to determine the most appropriate manner through a relationship may be developed. It is also important to comprehend the manner in which affection is communicated in various contexts. There is a difference in the way female and the males genders express affection while communicating. For instance, in a relationship between two men, competition usually arises. Masculine people will only express affection perfectly by exchanging favors or including their friends and partners in activities. On the other hand, the feminine gender is more verbal and expresses affection using words. The difference in manner in which the male and the female gender communicate affection can influence their relationship.
            While men refrain from disclosing vulnerability and weakness, the feminine gender is prone to expressing susceptibility and feebleness. Women will usually seek solutions while remaining close to their friends during challenging situations.. This issue has facilitated more intimate relationships among the feminine gender than the masculine gender. The value of friendship among the females is based on communicating support, listening, expressing their feelings, and the provision of comfort. On the other hand, the masculine gender is poor at paying attention and cannot concentrate in most communication processes. The variances in affection and care during communication can affect the way men and women associate and express their views.  
Glass Ceiling Women Experience in Society
            These are the barriers that prohibit women from reaching certain social barriers. Most women find difficulty in breaking the glass ceiling because of the societal oppression caused by the male counterparts. The same issue affects women in their workplace or organizations; in such scenarios, there are several issues that hinder women from exploring their maximum potential. It is important to acknowledge that the glass ceiling is a metaphor that describes the invisible factors and circumstance that deter the progression as well as the development of women. Some of these factors include negative stereotypes, cultural and beliefs among others.
            The difference in male and female levels of income is one of the factors that have facilitated the occurrence of a glass ceiling, hindering women’s success. The discriminatory practice in the labor market is a common factor in many economies. Individuals may find that men and women in a similar job category receive different pay. Studies have outlined that women receive less in wages and salaries for the same job categories in some economies. For instance, the hourly earnings for women in some of the European Union Nations are approximately 17 percent less than that of their male counterparts. Such kinds of discrimination at the workplace allow men to develop faster in the society compared to women.
 The cultural and social beliefs that have defined the position of women to be at home also hinder the ability of women to progress in the society and the job ladder. Some of the women are still affected by the belief that their role is to take care the family. They have given up on developing themselves and let the male dominate the job market. The few women who have identified their potential and saw the need to advance are experiencing resistance from the society and develop at a very slower rate compared to the make who receive societal support.
            The relationship between men and women is affected by social factors including social and cultural stereotypes and cultural interactions of gender. Psychological variation in the communication techniques of men and females also affect how they relate to one another. The cultural interaction and orientation of the male and female gender differ right from their childhood and change how they perceive communication and relationships in their when they become adults. Some factors limit the advancement of women in the society and workplace. The glass ceiling includes negative stereotypes and societal beliefs.

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