Wednesday 1 February 2017

Museum of Tolerance Trip Reflection


            Museum of Tolerance Trip Reflection
During the trip, I made several observations of historical exhibitions, events and other pertinent socio-cultural issues. To begin with, I managed to observe the first anti-Semitic writing that was made by Hitler. Additionally, I managed to listen to a talk that was provided by a holocaust survivor, who described the terrific situations they were subjected to during the holocaust and how the World War II made their living conditions worse.  I also had an opportunity to listen to a multi-media presentation that focused on living conditions of immigrants in the United States.
The Museum of Tolerance gives people an opportunity to experience and learn issues ascribed to cultural diversity. To begin with, the Museum of Tolerance enhanced my understanding on how various cultures are associated with different historical issues for example: Engagement of the Jewish people in the holocaust. Culture is an important issue in the contemporary society owing to the fact that it defines and identifies groups and individuals. My visit to the Museum of Tolerance enhanced my understanding on how various cultures were and is still perceived differently, an incident that has led to discrimination on the basis of race and ethnicity. One of the issues that I did not know before visiting the Museum is that there could be survivors of the Holocaust; however, during the visit, I managed to listen to a presentation by one of the holocaust survivors who provide the audience with proper insight regarding the events that took place during the holocaust. I must admit that the visit had little impact on my feelings; the site and presentations that were made regarding holocaust and lives that were lost during the Second World War were quite sad: I felt sorry for the victims. Historical injustice is one of the major topics that are learnt in the contemporary society. Learning historical injustices is considered crucial as it provides a platform for learners to formulate solutions on how occurrence of future injustices to human rights may be prevented. From a personal perspective, I would recommend other students to visit this place in order to learn imperative issues of historical injustices and how they had negative impacts on socio-economic development.

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