Sunday 13 November 2016

Management Ethics

                                                               Management Ethics

            Knowledge about the genesis and history of current day business ethics is valuable in a number of ways. The first and most important is by obtaining knowledge regarding the genesis of current day business ethics we get to appreciate the important role ethics plays in business today.  This knowledge provides us with valuable insight on the need for business ethics as it entails the reasons as to why business ethics was developed.  By understanding the reasons as to why business ethics was developed, we appreciate the role it plays.  Knowledge on the history of current business ethics is also important to us as it helps provides us with insight on the evolutionary process of business ethics. By having a clear insight into its evolutionary process, we will be able to avoid some of the mistakes characterized by it and have insight on what it may be like in the future.
 Ethics is a branch of philosophy and history plays a major role in philosophy; thus history matters a lot in ethics.  History provides the building blocks on which the concept of ethics was developed and without history, there will be no ethics or the idea behind ethics will be irrelevant in society. It is through history that we get to appreciate the importance of ethics and the reasons as to learn of the reasons as to why society needs ethics. Thus is summary it is logical to indicate that history matters a lot in ethics as it forms the foundation of ethics without which the idea behind ethics will not be valid in society.
 The history of ethics in organizations should matter to organizations as much and even more, than it does to individuals.  This is because organizations, unlike individuals, comprise of people from different backgrounds with different ethical beliefs thus they are exposed to numerous ethical challenges. Knowledge on the history of ethics enables the organizations to incorporate all the different ethical beliefs into their operations in a manner that significantly limits its exposure to ethical challenges. It also enables the organization to develop standard ethical guidelines that its members can easily comply with without much resistance.
 The most significant reason as to why it is important to study the history of ethics is because ethics deals with whether an action is right or wrong, or whether it's a virtue or a vice. By studying the history of ethics, we get to understand the reason behind certain concepts of morality, and this strengthens those concepts.  The study of ethical thought is important because ethics is inescapable.  Society cannot exist without   methodologies of assessing what is healthy or desirable and unhealthy or undesirable, codes of conduct.  These codes govern the way decisions are made, and thus they ate importance for the existence and prosperity of society.  The study of ethical thought and the history of ethics also helps individuals to develop skills that will enable them to articulate their values and provide others with reasons behind their actions.
            By obtaining knowledge of the past, individuals know the consequences of certain actions. This knowledge helps to guide their ethical beliefs and practices.  Knowledge of the past also helps people to prepare for future ethical decisions by providing them with alternative decisions that they could take when faced with certain challenges.  It also helps one to understand the cause of certain ethical practices and thus to make it easy for one to make certain ethical decision in the future.

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