Sunday 13 November 2016



Edouard Monet is regarded as one of the pioneers of impressionism.  Monet and a couple of artists at the time felt that indoor art did not accentuate the effects of the passage of time. Thus they decided to conduct out door impromptu painting which enabled them to create accurate depictions of light with its changing qualities. Monet early childhood love of nature also influenced most of his painting as they were down outdoors.  Through painting outdoors he was able to obtain a greater awareness of color and light and his works were able to effectively and efficiently incorporate the natural scenes shifting pattern.
 This enabled him to express prove his point on the effectiveness of outdoor impromptu painting in expressing a particular painting. One painting style that was very common among impressionism artists was the rapidness of the brushwork. The brushwork was also broken into separate dabs. This style of painting enables the artists to effectively capture and render the lights fleeting quality in their artworks. Monet’s style of painting mostly earth tone colors that kept in line with the natural concept of the painting.
            Another great impressionist was Camille Pissarro a Danish-French artist who was regarded as a father figure by most impressionist.  Camille’s painting where depictive of nature in its serenity. This was meant to express his feelings about war and how war led to the destruction of such beautiful works.  His paintings mainly aimed to showcase the interaction that existed between human and nature. He was able to express himself by utilizing visually striking colors with high contrast that enabled an individual to easily see each and every aspect of his paintings.


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